Our Story

Freedom Church was planted in March 2020. We began as an “online-only” church due to the pandemic and social distancing mandates, which proved to be challenging. However, God had truly prepared us beforehand, and has been walking with us each step of the way.

After removing many limitations in our lives over the years, we felt now more than ever, God was calling us to FREEDOM. So, when we were deciding on a name, it was so obvious!

In November 2020, we began meeting together weekly, our home was St. Michael Middle School, and here began our journey of navigating church through a pandemic, building volunteer teams, and managing mobile church with set up and tear down. It has been an exciting chapter for us, and as we grow and move locations this year to the Roger Event Center, we never forget how we started and how God never ceases to take care of us, even with so many changes.

We are a debt-free church which is so important to us as it’s one of the ways we can walk in FREEDOM and be the church God has called us to be. We have an amazing team of leaders and volunteers who keep Freedom Church organized and progressing the Kingdom of God in this area. So here we are, a church two years old, inviting you to join us as we continue to enjoy & discover FREEDOM in HIM - in every area of our lives!



Know God

Find Freedom

Discover Purpose

Change YOUR World


Love God

Courageously Love People

Intentionally Healthy

Humbled Excellence


Meet Our Pastors

Terrance grew up in the hills of Missouri, and I (Jamie) grew up in the corn fields of Iowa. We met at a ministry internship in Minnesota in 2006 and married a few years later. We started Disciple Internship at a church in the suburbs of Minneapolis, geared towards students just out of high-school looking for discipleship and ministry training. During that time we also took on pastoring the youth ministry at the church.

Within our role of Internship/Youth Pastor, we taught Bible classes, led worship, directed summer camps, and led a team of staff and interns to manage events, create community, and help people find their next steps in life. This was an eventful and busy way to spend our 20’s, and have realized lock-in’s are a young man’s game. We did this for 8 years before transitioning to full-time pastoring.

We are deeply grateful for the years spent in these ministries, though we didn’t leave without some pain & disappointment. This is an important part of our story because it’s in these moments when we choose what kind of person we’re going to be. We spent time with loved ones processing, praying, and moving forward - and God was with us each step of the way. This allowed us to shift our perspective on life and become grateful for all we walked through—as those years taught us so much about leadership, working together as a married couple, managing staff, and pastoring a church. Not to mention the BEAUTIFUL connections we have made along the way.